Critical Links Releases C3 Micro-Cloud Version 4.4 to Further Drive Global e-Learning Initiatives
New release brings the ability for Ministries of Education to further personalize the e-Learning experience, while enhancing the ability to have both custom and standardized lesson planning, and increasing bandwidth savings
Princeton, NJ, USA – May 27 – Critical Links, the leader in micro-cloud solutions for e-learning, today announced release version 4.4 of the C3 Micro-Cloud software bringing greater customization and control to its customers worldwide.
The C3 provides a complete cloud-enabled e-learning environment for any classroom in the world – especially in challenging environments – regardless of internet connectivity or infrastructure limitations. The integrated learning management system, curriculum, content, and resources allow e-Learning and the full digital experience even if there is no live internet connection to the classroom. For regional and national deployments, thousands of C3 Micro-Clouds can be administered from a single, centralized point, allowing the distribution of uniform curriculum, content, and policies ensuring the security and control needed in today’s connected world.
This new release extends the ability of school administrators to more effectively manage precious internet resource, analyze internet navigation statistics over a range of time periods, and better understand/leverage the most-often used sites and resources. Optimization tools allow administrators to identify, confirm and maximize the bandwidth savings delivered through the caching technologies, further increasing the management of network resources.
Also with this new version, the C3 Micro-Cloud interface can now be fully customized, including personalized color schemes and logos, to better fit the particular school system’s identification themes, for greater user productivity and branding. To help further apply standardized learning across a large region, improvements have been made to streamline and simplify the Foundation LMS content creation interface, making it easier to integrate content created centrally with a large number of distributed schools and classrooms.
“The C3 Micro-Cloud 4.4 release extends the scale and manageability of the micro-cloud concept making it even easier for larger school systems to leverage this technology,” stated Paulo Costa, Vice President of Worldwide Sales for Critical Links. He further added, “Our mantra continues to be ‘Connecting Students to Knowledge’, as we are committed to enable new and better forms of teaching and learning globally to ensure that we don’t leave any of our next generations behind in their educational and human development.”
About Critical Links
Critical Links is a pioneer in delivering innovative ICT infrastructure solutions for the next generation of Schools, with particular focus on enabling e-learning economically in challenging environments.
The Critical Links C3 Micro-Cloud dramatically simplifies the delivery of digital content anywhere – irrespective of the challenges posed by connectivity, power, lack of technical expertise or remoteness. By successfully enabling content delivery in a holistic and economical manner, the C3 Micro-Cloud is proactively accelerating e-Learning endeavors around the world. More information on the complete C3 Micro-Cloud can be found at Please contact for further information on Critical Links, its education portfolio and pricing.