Category Archives for Blog

Why is it important to use technology in the classroom?

Using Digital Resources To Support Teaching and Learning   Teaching and learning are completely different today than they were a decade ago. Technology changes by the minute and it is very important to prepare the…

Remote learning when it is really remote, by Pam Baker

Remote learning when it is really remote Internet access is ubiquitous—except where it isn’t. However, even in places where electricity or Internet connectivity are spotty, new e-learning innovations can help people get an education. Marilog is…

C3 alrededor del mundo, caso Panamá

Recursos digitales para la comunidad educativa en Panamá: Critical Links, Edupan y MEDUCA Pasamos un tiempo con Ariel Medina de EDUPAN, Panamá, que nos brindó una descripción general de nuestro proyecto con MEDUCA y cómo…